Why are bar soaps making a comeback & What are the benefits of bar soap?

1. When you purchase a bar of soap you are protecting the environment by not buying soap in plastic bottles. Even if the bottle gets recycled, it's still more plastic being created and put back into circulation. In fact, one bar of soap can save up to 3 plastic bottles! Plastic packaging can also leech harmful micro plastics and dyes into the soap, onto your body, and down the drain and into our waterways. 

2. Bar soap typically lasts longer than liquid soap (especially if you use a good self-draining soap dish like the ones we sell) so you are saving money. Can't argue with that!

3. Bar soap is just as effective at getting you clean and killing bacteria and viruses as liquid soap and can even help dislodge dirt and germs more effectively than liquid soap. Foaming soaps are the least effective way to clean your hands properly. 

4. Current studies show that harmful bacteria do not breed on the surfaces of bar soap or transfer to your skin when you use them any more than they might breed on a plastic bottle of soap. Using a self-draining soap dish will also ensure your soap stays dry between uses and reduces any possible risk. 

5. Bar soaps contain far fewer and more natural ingredients than liquid soaps. Soap is defined by the USDA  as a "combination of fats or oils with an alkali such as lye". Most "soaps" on the market, both bar and liquid, are not actually soap. They are made of synthetic detergents and chemicals. Our soap meets the USDA definition and you will always know exactly what is in our bars of soap.

6. Bar soap is recommended over liquid soaps if you have allergies or sensitive skin because it has fewer ingredients. The fragrances and dyes found in most other soaps can cause allergic reactions.  

Is there lye in your soap?

Yes, lye (otherwise known as sodium hydroxide) goes into all soaps. It is what makes soap into soap. When the lye is combined with the oils and fats in the process of soap making it goes through a chemical process called saponification and completely disappears. So by the time you are using your bar of soap there is no lye left. 

What's the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils?

We primarily use essential oils in our soaps. While fragrance oils can make very strong and good smelling soap, they are made synthetically to mimic scents found in nature. Essential oils are sourced from plants and many have medicinal and aromatherapeutic benefits, but unfortunately may not always hold their scents and be as strong smelling as fragrance oils in soap. Fragrance oils are generally much less expensive than essential oils, but can include up to 80 different chemical ingredients and therefore are not recommended for those with skin sensitivities. While we love a good smelling soap as much as the next person, we choose to prioritize the long term health of our family and customers and use essential oils whenever possible.

How long will my bar of soap last? 

Your bar will only become more hard over time and will still be just as sudsy and effective as the day it arrived. We recommend using your bar within 12 months of receiving it. Once you start using your bar, it all depends on how often you use it. A bar used daily typically lasts between 4-6 weeks. Bars will last longer if they stay dry in a soap dish that circulates air under the bar (like the bamboo soap dish we sell!).